
Get Organized Week

I create a binder every year for my organizational Christmas items.  The calendar above is one I created using a Microsoft Office template found here.  I tweaked it a little bit and put it at the front of my binder so that I can scribble things to remember on it.  You can see that I have noted days to do some baking.  If I don't put them on the calendar I will easily forget them.

I, also, have a weekly "To Do" list and that list starts this week.  I will be posting my list every Tuesday, but the idea is to actually get most things done before December so that I can relax during the holidays.  This list really helped me out as I was on Maternity Leave last year.  It was hard to focus on anything except my little boy, but this list helped me stay a little grounded.

Get Organized Week
November 4-10
  • Update Christmas planner
  • Update Christmas calendar
  • Update Christmas card addresses and locate missing addresses
  • Finish up needed home improvements
  • Christmas photo for cards
  • Buy postage stamps

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