
It's a Shower!

My Mother-in-Law hosted a bridal shower this last weekend and I helped with a few tidbits.  We dined at Club Soda in Fort Wayne, Indiana and enjoyed a scrumptious meal with a few cocktails.  We were surprised with a couple of free desserts at the end of the meal.

Place Holders

I used the sidewalk chalk eggs that didn't quite work to hold each name tag for seating assignments.  To do this I simply cut a slit in the top of a half and egg with a serated knife.  I then created each name card using the same style that I had used for the invitations shown here.  Since we had this party on the day before Easter we took advantage of the holiday and had little ceramic bunny/ egg holders by each setting.

Bride-to-Be (Sarah) with her Grandma

The Party-goers!

We had a blast at this party and I felt like it was a nice and relaxing way to celebrate with an intimate group of girls.  Little preparation required with a lot of atmosphere as live jazz music started on the floor below us at around 9:00.

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