
Handwritten Note

A few months ago I was asked to talk to a number of Fourth Grade classes about architecture during a field trip to a local museum.  I didn't know what to think and architecture can be a dry subject to talk about unless you have a lot of visuals, but I did my best.

I showed the kids (and teacher's) the software we use and the explained, in basic terms, how to design buildings.  A few kids even had questions for me after the "lecture" like, "Can a building really be built in a day?"  That one made me laugh.

This morning the organizer of the field trip brought me Dutch Iris bulbs, Cannas bulbs, and a number of handwritten notes from the children.  The one above is one of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. Riley Kinney5/10/10, 3:09 PM

    I remember a little girl who said the same about architecture. Wait, Robin, that was YOU!


