
Toddler Poltergeist

It is always an endeavor to have nice things amidst a toddler.  I think it's worth the effort to stay stubborn and look for or make nice things that can take a beating. 

Case in point:  I was preparing dinner last night and my son was playing with his trains in another room; or so I thought.  I walked in to check on him and he had a crayon in his hand.  He decided to do a little creative decorating on his own!  Blue crayon on everything and not a surface was missed.  Crayon on the wood votive holders (hand made by my husband), crayon on the coffee table, and crayon on the serving tray...

A Toddler's Decorating Touch
When I saw the above, I couldn't help thinking about the movie "Poltergeist" with the stacked chairs scene.  My son does like to do things his own way.  Why have huts when you can make a tower?

My Decorating Preference

I will say that I really appreciate Crayola's Washable Crayons as everything was cleaned up in about 5 minutes with just a little water and barely any elbow grease.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing tvs don't go to static at the end of the broadcast day anymore.
