
Pirate Ship

Here's a tiny sneak peek at what we've been doing to our son's room.

We purchase this ship painting (seen above) last fall for $5 from an estate auction.  My husband liked it and I hated it, but I bid on it for him because I love him.  No other people bid against me.  Ha!  Since our purchase the painting has wandered around the house and I've never found a permanent home for it.  Until now.

I decided that the bright orange colors would go perfectly in our son's room.  There was only one problem.  I still hated the frame, so I decided to change it.  Here's what I did:
  1. Removed the frame.
  2. Created a new frame using a wood 1/4"board large enough to allow for a 1" border around the original canvas.
  3. Added 1/2" trim to the board so that it created a 1/2" reveal when the canvas was place in it.
  4. Painted the new frame and edges of the canvas. (2 coats)
  5. Attached the canvas to the new frame.
  6. Attached hanging hardware to the frame.

    We're really pleased with the final results.  It's such a great improvement not a bad $5 investment.  I hung the painting last night and my son was excited to see the "Pirate Ship" added to his room.

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