
Jump on the Trend

Forward facing book shelves have been popping up everywhere as a great addition to kids rooms.  I like them because they make it easy to grab an eye-catching book and give you a break from tilting your head sideways to read the countless thin spines of kids' books.

I thought I would join the trend and add a few to the new nursery. I used the following as inspiration.

via ESD

via ohdeedoh
 I like the idea of multiple rows, but I wanted to make sure anyone could reach them, so I'm limiting the shelves to 3 and keeping them down to kid height.  I found the perfect 4'-0" long white shelves here and they are sitting at my house itching to be installed. (One thing at a time, Robin!)  We opted to not make our own as I wanted something durable and I have enough projects to complete as it is.  Ennospace had the adjacent shelves in white and black and can be found here.

Our crib was put together last night in the nursery, with my son's help, so things are really starting to happen!

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