
Library- Bit of a Makeover

I like books, a lot.  I have boxes of books in our storage room waiting to find a home and I have the perfect spot, just no shelves to put them on.  We've been in our house for about 9 months now and those books have been very patient.  Their wait is about to end as we're planning a trip to Ikea this weekend to pick up some Expedit bookshelves (like the images below).

via Pinterest

via Pinterest
The perfect spot is in our Sitting Room/ Library off of our Master bedroom, shown below.  I would love wall to wall with a built-in look, but door and window locations in the room make this impossible.  Vent locations in the floor mean that I need to keep my distance from books, as well.

(The bookshelves will go where the couch is currently shown- with the crazy kid)
We are going to buy the 5x5 unit and a 1x5 unit and stack them.  I want to go for a floor to ceiling look and I can't wait to organize my books on them.  Now I need to figure out how to organize...by genre, author, or color.  Hard decisions need to be made!

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