
Happy Bungalow

Elephants on Parade

I have a talented friend that has recently started up an Etsy shop called Happy Bungalow.  He makes an assortment of wood crafts that are for sale at his shop and many are kid friendly and durable for little kids.  He will be adding new merchandise on a regular basis, so don't forget to check it out often.  I think hand crafted items are the perfect gift for Christmas because individual attention and love has gone into making them!

Dollhouse Bookends
On Safari

He has a few different locations where you can browse his goods or keep updated on the latest Happy Bungalow news:

etsy shop:  www.etsy.com/shop/happybungalow

website:  www.happybungalow.com

facebook:  www.facebook.com/HappyBungalow

twitter:  twitter.com/#!/@AHappyBungalow

flickr:  www.flickr.com/photos/happybungalow/