sponsors / giveaways

Advertising is a great way to let the world know what you have to offer.

Because this is a fairly new blog and is still growing very rapidly, I am only offering one level of sponsorship currently. 

For $10/month or $25/ 3 months you get this:
  • An introduction in one blog post about your company and products offered.
  • A non-animated image ad on my sidebar in a prominent location.
I accept Paypal payments. 

Email me at robin@studiowitte.com for more information!

These are a great way to get more traffic to your site. If you have something that you would like to give away, let me know and we can see if it fits with my target audience! The item you are giving away must be worth at least $25 and you pay the shipping to ship to the winner. If you write the post it is free, If I write the post it will be $10.00. Please be sure to have nice pictures of your product. Please email me a picture of what you are giving away in your first email and then we can go from there!

product reviews
Do you have a product you would like to see featured?  Send it to me and I'll give it a try, take pictures and post a review on the blog!  You'll get a full blog post and a direct link to your site/shop!  Items sent for review will not be returned!